(for today anyway)
By tomorrow it might be back to the old #.
So more than a year ago I go to Alltel to have them change my # to an Omaha number anticipating moving here. A few months ago I realized they gave me a Lincoln #. The result: anytime somebody tries to contact me from an Omaha land line they get a message that says “The number you tried to call is not in service.”
Oh how I wish they would have gotten it right or at least have a message that says, “To dial this number, you must first dial a 1-402.”
Fast Forward to today:
I try calling alltel to see if I could get a new number and have my old number forwarded to the new number.
Great. They give me 402-890-5375.
Me: So now when somebody calls the old number, they’ll be forwarded to the new #?
Alltel: No, we can’t do that.
Me: You just said that I could.
Alltel: Yes, sir.
Me: And now you are telling me you can’t.
Alltel: Yeah, we don’t forward old numbers.
Me: Can I speak to your manager.
At this point all I’m trying to do is get my old number back and they cannot facilitate that. Thousands of ad dollars point to 402-314-1839. Now when you call that number you get “not in service.”
Hopefully I’ll get this fixed. Maybe I’ll just switch to ATT and get an iPhone.