Thursday, June 21, 2007


Introducing the new look for my wedding photography, aptly titled

“Lane Weddings”. I wanted to combine classic elements with contemporary.

I thought my logo should reflect my photography, which is hopefully a combination

of elegant, simple and fun. Here’s a reminder as to what the old logo looked



I’ve always liked the contemporary stylings of the font (century

gothic) in my former logo. But it looks drab and cold. I was using it some with

the scripted “L” that you see on the new logo. That helped, but it

still needed an inspired face lift.

The decision to drop my last name from my branding was not an

easy one. I think “Hickenbottom”–being as long as it is–has a certain

amount of recall-ability to it. If you have seen it once, you will likely recognize

it when you see it again. That said, the length really makes it hard for people

to remember how to spell it. Plus it requires such a LOOOOOONG horizontal space

to fit it anywhere.

I also am dropping the “photography”. I think any

place where I use “Lane Weddings” the context will make it obvious

to know that it’s about photography. Actually “Lane Weddings” will

have the potential to be a sub-category of an umbrella company called “Lane


Finally, I plan on moving the web site from to

With the changes, I hope to continue improve my service to my

wedding clients. It’s still my goal to provide the best wedding photography

in Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha and the rest of Nebraska.

Thanks for reading!


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