Photo by Matt Miller
Phillip Marech, a refugee from Sudan, died from cancer just days after Matt made this photo earlier this month. The cancer was caused by complications from a bullet that lodged in his liver. Phillip was shot three times in Sudan before he escaped to the United States. He was 22. Matt asked if I would include this link for anybody that wants to know more about the Lost Boys of Sudan.
When I went to college at UNL, there was one photographer who was always raising the bar for everybody else. That is just one of the many reasons I have to send a shot out to my buddy, Matt Miller.
Shooting for the Rochester Post Bulletin in Minnesota, Matt is still kicking butt. He recently won all kinds of honors in the Minnesota News Photographers Association 2001 Pictures of the Year Contest,including Best of Show and third place Photographer of the Year. Associated Press Sweepstakes award for Division 2 of Minnesota.
Matt is overwhelmingly passionate about his craft. He possesses the compassion to allow readers to connect with subjects like Phillip Marech (right), the technical ability to capture and create light like few other photojournalist and the anticipation required to make in-your-face sports action photos.
Some of his older photos can be found at his web site which is poorly neglected, but rich in photographic content.
Like I said earlier, Matt really rose the bar when we were photojournalism students together in college. Still today, he remains one of my most significant photographic influences, keeping me on my toes and making me strive for excellence.
If there are any photo editors out there reading this, pay attention to this guy. Of all the photographers I’ve worked with, he is the most likely to win a Pulitzer someday.