edit from Jan, 2006
Somehow, sometime, somewhere down the line the video that went with this entry got lost. It’s a shame. It was a doozy. I entered a rather lovely photo of Ryan to take it’s place.
I’m clearly not a videographer. That is apparent when this little video starts out………vertically. It is kind of a large download (2,679 KB) and may take a while to appear on your screen. But for anybody who knows and loves Ryan Soderlin, the wait is well worth it. My hand and I paid Ryan a surprise visit. Watch Ryan’s reaction when he gets his birthday goose.
Happy 30th, buddy!
(For those of you who have dial-up or otherwise slow internet access, you can hit CTRL-N (PC) or Apple-N (Mac) and open a new browser window. That way you can keep surfing while the movie continues to download. If you have dialup access, this is going to take a very long time. Seriously.)